And wished you had stopped
At your laughter and songs.

Grampa gives scratchy kisses.
What a busy month March was! It started with my 30th birthday and never slowed down. As I was going through all the new memories my little birthday gift had captured, I realized how fleeting our time with our children really is. They seem to change overnight. So with that in mind this post is all about my children and what we've shared together in the past few weeks.

Doing the Rain Dance at the Painted Desert Inn, Petrified Forest National Park.
Matthew discovered that petrified wood gets warm in the sun -- and he liked it!
How does wood turn into rock? Click HERE to learn more.

Junior Rangers Brandon, Sam, and Matthew building adobe houses.

They're so cute you could eat 'em!

Oh no, it got Dad too!

Really. His face says it all.
Why did we choose to visit the Petrified Forest National Park? Because that's where Grammie and Grampa Keysar lived and volunteered until this past Tuesday. Now they're off to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
Yep, only 51! The kids had a blast being led in the birthday song by Grampa.
The Easter Bunny came a day early to the Petrified Forest (good thing, too, since our route home on SR 87 was blocked by a landslide!)

Elizabeth turned 2! Click HERE to see her reaction to "Happy Birthday" and HERE to see how cute she is when she knows she's on camera.
Princesses and cars!
"Ooooooo!" The purple bat and ball from Sam got the best reaction.

Nothing says slugger like a tiara.
March was also the start of the sports season. This is our first year putting the boys in any programs and boy, oh boy, are we busy now!
Click HERE to see the movie, "Brandon's First Basketball Game."
Click HERE to see the movie, "Sam's First Baseball Game."

My sweet Matthew.
The only daughter (so far?) of the only daughter of the only daughter.
Now, if you have 'em, and you're able, go give yours a HUG!
You are soooooo talented!
COOL pictures!
I loved hearing about it, seeing your photos of how your family has changed, and reading that poem.
Thanks for sharing!
*sniff* I miss you and your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the last picture!!!! You got REALLY REALLY REALLY Skinny again!!!!!!!! (how do you do it? I hate you for it. lol ok, not really... but come on! I just keep getting fatter and fatter!) Miss Elizabeth is TOOO CUTE and I CANNOT believe how big your boys are getting! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE????? *sniff*
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