
Friday, June 3, 2011

School's Out!

The last day of school was last Tuesday, May 24th.  I took the kids to get our traditional "Last Day of School Freezoni" at QT and had the boys toast to summer for a picture.  Brandon, in true always-too-cool-for-pictures manner, refused to smile {though I give him full credit for posing at all for something so cheesy!}  So I told Sam and Matthew to give him a poke.  I LOVE this picture!

24 May 2011; last day of second, sixth, and fifth grade for Matthew, Brandon, and Sam, respectively

I had forgotten all about the toast and the picture in our rush to get Brandon ready for his first week long Scout encampment.  He left on Monday and will be back tomorrow afternoon.  And while I've enjoyed how quiet the house has been, how well the other children have gotten along, and a full pantry while he's been away seeing his smiling face pop up in my camera viewer today made me very happy he'll be back soon.


  1. Hope Brandon has a good time at camp, where did they go?
    Hand cart trek is Monday, going to miss you there, but now you can reminise about your time as Ma and Pa.
    have a great summer

  2. I think they were up near where we did the trek last time actually. I need to get some of those Ma and Pa pics out and post them...maybe for Pioneer Day ;)


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