
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Photo Organization

Did I forget to mention last summer that Sam made the city's Little League All-Star Team?!

Slugger Sam, #1

Or that Brandon was the tallest kid on his summer basketball team, maybe even the league?!

Brandon dominated rebounds in 2010

Or that Matthew was finally allowed to play a sport (we set a minimum age in our family for spending money on activities) this past winter?!

Matthew, #3 (he said he picked that number because he's boy #3 in our family)

Or how about that Elizabeth LOVES having the chance to be the boss of someone?

Meet Scout, the three year old chihuahua mix Santa rescued from the shelter

Well, since I forgot, it's a good thing I have a way to keep all those digital photos organized so I could mention them all!

Yep, good thing.  Now to be smart and get some way of protecting them.  Like an external hard drive.  Baby steps.

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