
Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Three Kings' Day!

The kids' Three Kings' Day gifts under the tree.

We always keep our tree up until Three King's Day (January 6th).  Some years I've missed getting the kids gifts from the magi but was able to pull something together VERY last minute this year.  Each bag contains:

GOLD - pieces of gold foil wrapped butterscotch candies (like Werther's) with a card that reads, "GOLD is for royalty.  You are the son/daughter of a King!"

FRANKINCENSE - a cool mechanical pencil for the boys and a pretty hair bow for Elizabeth with a card that reads, "FRANKINCENSE for His role as PRIEST.  Use this pencil for your scriptures and at church/Here is a pretty bow for you to look your best on the Sabbath."

MYRRH - A fun size 3 Musketeers bar with a card that reads, "3 Musketeers KINGS* brought MYRRH symbolizing Christ's eventual death for us."

*Yes, I know we don't know for sure how many magi came; that the number three was derived from the gifts listed in scripture.  But you try to come up with items that would be a fun way to teach this story in 20 minutes from a Wal-Mart in a tiny town!


I hope 2012 will find you seeking after that which the magi sought, for if you do, you will find Him.


  1. What a great idea. I was happy to find a great article in December's New Era Magazine about the symbolic meanings of Gold, Frankinsense and Myrrh. You have a way of applying that to real life and children. Thanks for such a great blog!
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