
Monday, April 5, 2010

Conference Quiz

General Conference is a time for:

a.) catching up on loads and loads of laundry {might as well keep your hands busy during the 8+ hours of talks...}

b.) being grateful for an Easter Sunday that does NOT involve chocolate-blooded Primary kids

c.) being grateful for an opportunity to have a nice, slow family breakfast, complete with blueberries and the spoils of a good neighbor's last trip home {even if it was VT syrup and not NH Gold}

d.) surprise and gratitude to know that your children actually ARE listening {as evidenced by fits of laughter from the corner every time Bishop Keith B. McMullin says the word "duty"}

(watch his excellent talk below)

Yep, you guessed it.  The answer is

e.) all of the above

Not to mention the actual reason(s) - listening to instruction from Church leaders, getting a spiritual boost, being reminded of our Eternal worth, etc.!

If you'd like to know more about General Conference click HERE.  And I'm always open to questions in the comments section or by email.

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If you don't leave a comment, then it's just like I'm talking to myself...and I do enough of that already!