
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Feeling {FUNKY}

funky [fuhng-kee] adjective

1. offensively malodorous

2. (of jazz) having the soulful feeling of early blues

3. stylish and modern in an unconventional way

4. in a state of cowardly fright

5. dejected, depressed, perturbed, agitated, distressed

I am currently in a {FUNK}! It's time to get back to some daily sketching. I'd like to do an alphabet series. Each day I will do a sketch for a letter of the alphabet and post it here.

I also need to get started on my entry for the Church's art contest (I can think of at least 5 of you who should also enter. . .) I may combine both projects...we'll see. Before I decide I need your help.

Please, please, please leave a comment by Sunday the 24th at midnight answering the following:

1. What topic would you like to see for the A-Z sketch series (i.e. Arizona, Food, Animals, Baby stuff, Feelings, Religious, etc.)? You do NOT need to choose from these examples - be creative!

2. I'm thinking of doing a giveaway to help me with the contest entry. If I do I will be giving away a custom piece of art (small painting, custom pencil portrait, etc.) Would you enter? Would you tell all your friends (after all the purpose would be to get A LOT of feedback)? What would you like to see as the giveaway?

Seriously, no lurkers! Leave a comment and get me out of this FUNK!


  1. Circles. Seriously... I'm in a HUGE circle obsession these days. And there's NO limits to what you can do to the circles! CIRCLES BABY! lol Oh and you look fabulous. I'm hatin. lol

  2. Hey Kristal! Those bows look awesome! I totally want to get more into that myself when I have an actual reason to make them!

  3. I like babies! Maybe it will help with getting you another one!

    You could a sketch of us 3 girls.

    How about one of Grammie & Grampa, using their 50th anniversary picture.


  5. Oh yeah....I forgot to mention the type of Sketch Series I would like : I would probably choose FAMILY.

    ((family fun, family love, family food, ya know...everyday FAMILY STUFF))

  6. Thanks so much for making your way over to my blog. Like any new blogger, I appreciate everyone who stops by...and hope to have "regulars". Your blog is so much fun. I took a moment to think about your sketch series, and hopefully I am understanding the general idea. I think it would be cool to do a feelings theme, (which I think somebody else mentioned so I won't take full credit) e.g., elation or euphoria for "e", sadness, glee, boredom...I think that would be way cool. I was looking at some of your work; you have amazing talent. Thanks again for stopping by my blog and I'll be back to visit soon!

  7. So I'm a lurker. I tried lurkers anonymous, but all it got me was to post this one comment. On a total side note and complete tangent, I think you should sign up for a Facebook account. Lots of the family is on there and you'd be surprised how many of your old friends are probably on there. It's kind of addicting and not lame like myspace at all. Ok, back to lurking...

  8. I'm such a lurker too!! I'm excited about the alphabet sketches. I know you'll hate to hear this, but I have no preference, I think they'll all look great!

  9. Ok- so after I read your blog I had a dream about your sketches! No joke! I was going through the alphabet in my mind having a picture of a scripture hero for every letter. A for Adam, B for Benjamin, C for Christ, D for David...etc. I don't think I found anything for X though. The problem is...what do these people even look like? Crazy! I guess I would put that under some alphabet religious theme! :)

  10. I'll keep thinking -- it's past 9:00 at night -- thus my brain is in the off position. Seriously though, I'll brainstorm...tomorrow. I want a custom pencil drawing!

  11. Okay, given your incredible talent for drawing faces, I think your alphabet series should be feelings/expressions/emotions depicted on faces (A-amazed, B-bored, C-cranky, etc). Or you could do something more personal to your family, like favorite family activities (A-apple picking, B-bowling, C-carving pumpkins, etc).


If you don't leave a comment, then it's just like I'm talking to myself...and I do enough of that already!