
Sunday, June 1, 2008

21 Day Challenge - Day 1

1. MOVE DAILY -- I have invested in myself and my health by purchasing a family pass to the Rec Center and the pool. The kids enjoy going to both and it gives me an opportunity to get in some exercise. I won't be able to actually workout much at the pool unless Chris comes with me, but it does offer the "swimsuit incentive"!

Photo by Brett Rogers

  • NO MORE EXCUSES! Though I will be able to go to the Rec Center most days, it won't always be feasible. Sundays are also an issue as I believe it is a day of rest, meant for church, family, and study and meditation. On weekdays that I can't make it to the Rec Center I plan on utilizing my home and family to get some movement in. I can ride bikes with the kids in the evenings, use my Gazelle, or do some vigorous housework (my floors can always use a hearty scrub!) On Sundays I will take a leisurely walk with the family after dinner. We've done this in the past and it is a great way to slow things down and "catch-up" with one another. It also gives me the opportunity to hold hands with Chris!

2. GET A NEW "GO-TO" FOOD -- I have gotten into the horrible habit of running to food whenever I feel emotional. If I'm happy I celebrate with an ice cream. If I'm stressed or feeling down I comfort myself with a Reese's, or two, or three . . . You get the point.

    Copyright © Dysprosia, all rights reserved.

  • NO MORE CANDY BARS! No more running to the Circle K to get a Reese's whenever my kids start fighting. I can take a break and relax myself by going anywhere else {maybe the Rec Center?} or eating anything else that I already have {"Ants on a Log," anyone?} at home.

3. PORTION CONTROL -- I swear I have an eating disorder. When I see food or when I'm offered food I begin to feel anxious. I think crazy thoughts like "I better eat this now because who knows when I'll get the chance to have {________} again." I feel obligated to always clear my plate, no matter how unreasonably huge the dish is a restaurant lays in front me. I nibble at my children's plates if they do not clear them for fear of wasting the food. I have "Empty Cupboard Syndrome" also known as "Poor Man's Appetite." OK, I made those up, but this "sense" of frugality with food has allowed me to gather too much food storage in the form of love handles, cellulite, and high cholesterol. Enough is enough . . . really!


  • NO MORE HUGE PLATES! I've purchased smaller (9 inch) plates to serve meals at home on. My new mantra: "The doggie bag is my friend!"

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I am excited for The Challenge and to create new habits to replace my bad ones; habits that will stay with me for life! I can't wait to hear what you will be working on as well, and to cheer you on as you progress!

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