
Friday, March 7, 2008

A New Blank Canvas

It was suggested to me (over and over and over...) that I needed to create a blog. That this was such a great way to keep in touch. My excuses were that I didn't have time and that if I really had anything important to share I would just call or email. I don't keep up to date with my photos, so sharing pictures didn't lure me into blogging either.

Then this past week my husband, Chris, gave me an awesome little camera for my birthday. It fits in my purse so I can actually keep it with me and take pictures more than just on birthdays and Christmas. We also visited family out of state this week. Guess what... it's really hard to describe what you're doing with your art without pictures! So again, it was suggested, "You should start a blog so we can see your paintings!"

OK. Here's my blog. And I really don't think I have time -- I should be getting my kids together for school as I write this! But I wanted to get this started quickly before it gets added to the ever growing "To-Do" list in the farthest corner of my mind.

This blog is my new blank canvas where I'll be able to share my art as well as the things that make life beautiful. So to all of you who insisted blogging was just "the best thing ever" and "that [I] really should start a blog" you better read it! I'd hate to learn my son just went to school with a wicked cow-lick for nothing!


  1. Kristal--I am SO glad you created a blog. It really is a great way to keep in touch with everyone. Our families need to meet in the middle and vacation together sometime.

  2. Welcome to the Blog Community!!

    I bookmarked your page, so I can check in regularly.

    Let me tell you something about blogging and why I think it's healthy:

    Not only are you able to share something that makes you feel a sense of accomplishment, but you are ALSO able (through blogging) to essentially keep a journal! I am printing out the pages of my blog and it is turning into a family history/journal project. As we include pictures, it almost accomplishes my "scrapbooking" goal too.

    It's good practice, healthy for your mind, and good for the soul! Don't ever feel guilty about setting aside some time for yourself and sharing your family and accomplishments with us! :-)

  3. To go a step up from printing out the pages for a journal, there is a website that allows you to download your blog onto a software, that you can then design into a book they put together for you. Not too pricey, and I great idea!

    Here's the site:


If you don't leave a comment, then it's just like I'm talking to myself...and I do enough of that already!